The Goddess Factor

Monday, April 24, 2006

What to say....what to say!First time I created a blog,and I'm drawing a blank as to what to say in my first post.Probably talking a little about myself, would help. I'm a proud mom, of three beautiful children, lucky wife to my best friend (( *smooches * honey)),I enjoy writing, drawing,listening to music, rpgs, dolls, getting together with good friends.I love history, Arthurian ,and celtic lore.I love medieval,or renaissance style clothing, and found myself listening to medieval music,which is a far cry from the '80's pop,that I used to enjoy.
I have a feeling this may be more an online journal,than anything else.Having created a webpage on yahoo,I just wasn't happy with the service,and wanted to find my own little space on the web.Thankfully my hubby ,gave me the link to this place,and once I get a little more comfortable ,I may have more to say.


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